
Took a Break...

30 Oct 2008 [Thursday] Worked...but found out terrible news that Eric was laid off from -- totally unexpected I guess and just a horrible time with the holidays coming up. I hate business and how they only care about a profit. Just hate it. But he should be OK and able to land a new job quickly since he has great skills and is a hard worker. 26 Oct 2008 [Sunday] Keegan and I had our canoe trip down the Falls of the Neuse River in North Raleigh. Based out of a business called 'Paddle Creek'. It was AWESOME! At first when they pushed us off into the water we started spinning. Current was faster than I expected and I didn't know how to control the canoe! :) Finally got the hang out of it about a 1/4 of the way down the river and then we did GREAT as a team steering down. We went for a 1 1/2 hour trip and it was just unbelievable! Just beautiful and relaxing! I really want to do it with Amanda and the kids, but it would cost $100 total. Once my job feel

I Had a Big Setback!

16 May 2008 [Friday] Another work day. Had a hard time getting Keegan up because of our late night last night. Felt bad for him, but it's his last day at the Bond Park camp which he really loves. He's got baseball practice on Sunday and then we will leave for the beach probably Monday I'm guessing. I've been trying to get a Wii online now for us, but still, they are hard to come by! I should have never sold the one Amanda got near Christmas, but at the time, we didn't want the extra expense. 15 May 2008 [Thursday] Finally went back into work after over three week of working from home! Felt good to be back in the office. Only used the crutches to walk to/from work, then hobbled around the office. We all went to the Durham Bulls 7pm game after work. Peopleclick group organized it. The kids LOVED IT! We stayed until the end of the game and got home at 11pm. Amazingly, they all were still awake. Keegan really payed attention and asked a lot of questi

Where's The Sun?

8 April 2008 [Tuesday] Normal day at work so far. Carson's first day back to school after his Spring Break. Amanda took Ian to McDonalds and got him a hot chocolate, and played card games with him! He loved it, and he got special time together which I am SOOOOO happy for him. He really enjoyed it Amanda said. Ian also went to 'school' at the YMCA before that, so it was nice to get him back into his routine. I hope to go to cycling class tonight finally. I'll be starting all over and am nervous about my leg, but I will take it easy for sure on it. 7 April 2008 [Monday] I actually worked from home today as Amanda filled in for Candance as her father in-law passed away. It was a good day for me, as work was slow most of the day. After work, the kids played outside while I started mulching the mailbox area. Got it all down, but ran two bags short of mulch, so I hope to finish that on Wednesday for sure as I can pick up the mulch when I drop Carson off at schoo

Keep Going, Keep Going, Keep Going....

31 March 2008 [Monday] Weather is still horrible. Carson starts his spring break this week, so he's home from school. Alex and TJ are in Hawaii all week, so it's quiet at the bus stop and nice! We were going to play catch at the bus stop tonight, but it was still raining this morning, so we stood under umbrella's instead. Work is very slow right now and I worry about job security down the line, as the tickets/work just aren't coming in. We are way behind from where we should be revenue wise. Good time to buckle down and pay the bills, with my bonus check and our tax refunds. But oh, how I would like a digital SLR camera....someday. I'm going to sell the Moto Guzzi and maybe be without a bike for awhile. See if I miss it, and use the money for who knows what. Maybe a new camera, and I think I would drive the Ural more if the Guzzi is gone. :) 30 March 2008 [Sunday] Mickey headed home after breakfast and Amanda and I did the second coat of paint on the

Struggling to maintain this blog ...

23 March 2008 [Sunday] Easter Sunday today. I really wish we would attend church. I'm nervous bringing the kids there as the one time Amanda tried it didn't work out well for her. Keegan would do OK, and Carson probably would, but Ian I'm not sure about. He would probably want to sit with us instead of attending the little classes they have. Anyways, we took it easy in the morning, then we headed out to buy the kids new 'jelly' shoes as they all need them bad. Unfortunately the entire mall was closed! Sears was open so we found a pair for Ian, but Keegan and Carson will have to wait until Amanada can make it back to the mall. We stopped for McDonalds before the mall. It was a treat for sure, but Amanda didn't eat a burger or fries because she's really watching what she eats. I'm proud of her for that. It tasted good, but afterwards we all felt horrible and made me confirm that I just don't want to eat that stuff anymore. Went home then a


25 January 2008 [Friday] Well as you can tell by the 1+ month gap (which I tried to go back and fill in from my last full entry of Dec 10th), I got overwhelmed between pulling my calf muscle at the playground with the kids and now being on crutches, to Carson's birthday party at the YMCA, then Christmas, then New Years, then Ian's birthday (on which he woke up sick and vomitting for the first half of the day) to us hosting the Y-Guides meeting at our house on the 20th of this month (which went great and everyone had a good time). All of this combined with the fact that I was just plain exhausted was too much and I let the blog slip for about six weeks. For that I appologize, especially to my family. Actually they don't even know that I am doing this. They have no idea - the kids wouldn't understand anyway probably, but Amanda doesn't know either. I've thought about that, and when I should tell her it's here....if I were to die tomorrow, no one would

Back In The Routine Again

7 December 2007 [Friday] Worked. Went out to lunch with the guys as we usually do. Nothing unusual. Amanda found out her speeding ticket that we thought would only be $75 is going to be $170 when court costs,etc. are added in. What a scam, and it is so aggravating! 6 December 2007 [Thursday] Worked as usual. At night after the kids went to bed, I worked on getting Ubuntu 7.10 ready to install on the new HP laptop we have. Windows Vista is just too much of a pig and I can see I will easily get irritated with it quickly waiting for the hard drive to stop running as it swaps stuff in and out and I don't want to spend another $100 now on another 1 GB of memory. I just need to get a restore disk from HP first before I wipe the laptop off - just in case. :) 5 December 2007 [Wednesday] Worked from home as I always do on Wednesday's now. Work went good and the kids did good. It was easier than Monday as Keegan's first day back at school was today. He did great as w